Yabong Promotes MIL for Violence Against Women in Schools

Violence Against Women (VAW) is one of the country's omnipresent social problems. Accordingly, various measures and mechanisms have been employed and implemented, One of which is the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW). The Obrero Campus Student Council and the University of Southeastern Philippines Gender and Development office conducted a webinar last November 27, 2020, and the culmination day was on December 4, 2020, all via zoom.


One of the speakers for this campaign was Dun Concha Abiera, UNESCO Youth Coordinator, who talked about "CANCEL CULTURE: SOCIAL MEDIA ETIQUETTE." The campaign highlights the role and essence of schools, as part of a VAW-free community, following the recurring theme "VAW-free community starts with Me." Aside from capacitating Gender and Development officers and staff on handling gender-related issues and cases, the campaign reiterates everyone's commitment and contributions to ending VAW and calls on the students to make a personal pledge to end violence against women and children.


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